Nic Walker
About Me
Kia ora, As a passionate, future-focused and inclusive educational leader I have been privileged as Tumuaki | Principal to work amongst such a talented and supportive staff, Board of Trustees and community since Term 2 last year. As someone who loves seeing others succeed, I really value getting to know our learners as individuals. Developing strong relationships and understanding of our tamariki, staff, whānau and our community enables me to better support our success as individuals and collectively. I also love a good yarn, with parents and our students especially, so please feel encouraged to make use of our open-door approach.
Aaron Harrison
Deputy Principal - Year 7/8 Teacher
About Me
My name is Aaron Harrison, I am the Deputy Principal of Tuamarina School. It does not take long to see how incredible Tuamarina school is with it set in the countryside of Marlborough. For the couple of years I have been with the school I have been able to get to know all of the students and see how truly special they are in all of their unique ways. I love Tuamarina School and it's Country influence making it such a warm and inviting environment.
Sarah Kerr
Year 4 Teacher
About Me
I teach and learn with all our Year 4 students in Manuka class. I have been at Tuamarino longer than most of the furniture and all of the computers. We live in Rarangi (Go Surf Club!) and organise the Rainbow Ski Trip (which is on August the 16th 2024 so put that in your diary now because it's a super fun day.) I'm incredibly privileged to work in the community in which I live. One of the best parts of my job is being with the amazing families of Tuamarino, welcoming their youngest members and watching those who leave move through the world.
Kei ōu ringaringa te ao
The world is yours.
Julian Mason
Year 5/6 Teacher
About Me
Kia ora, my name is Julian and I have now been working at Tua Marina School since 2019, and I work with the amazing students in Rewarewa Class. I really like the feeling of a ‘small country school’ that we have, and that I get to know all of the students at the school. One of my other roles at the school is to organise and promote sport and outdoor educational activities at the school.
Leah Waddington
Year 0-1 Teacher
Ti Kouka
About Me
Kia ora koutou. My name is Leah Waddington and I am excited to be teaching the 0-1 class (Ti Kouka) this year, as Emily takes her leave with her new baby! I have been a teacher for 10 years, with a lovely and unforgettable 6 year break in Canada to raise my two boys, Finnian (6 years) and Angus (4 years). I was welcomed as a reliever here at Tua Marina a few years ago and have enjoyed building meaningful relationships with the tamariki. I absolutely love watching students progress in their learning and am excited to watch and help the students in Ti Kouka with their learning journey!
Maryn Kotze
Relief Teacher
About Me
My name is Maryn Kotze. I've been at Tua Marina School now for almost a year. I teach in Kawakawa class this year to cover the CRT for the staff. I love working with the Tua Marina tamariki because they are so inquisitive and open to learning.
Rosalind Mundy
Teacher Aide
About Me
Hi I am Rosalind (Roz) Mundy a part-time teacher aide at Tua Marina. I am in my second year here as a teacher aide and enjoy being a part of this special learning community supporting the students step by step! I Currently work across 3 classrooms, I am also fortunate to see close at hand the range of learning experiences that the akonga are experiencing. The tamariki of Tuamarina have some amazing opportunities!
Lorraine Regan
Teacher Aide
About Me
Hi I am Lorraine and I am privileged to have been part of Tua Marina school for a number of years. My current role is a Teacher Aid,where I support a number of our Tamariki to be successful in their learning and reach their full potential. I really love how Tua Marina has a family feel where everyone is valued and respected.
Amy Bowden
Office Administration & Accounts
About Me
Kia Ora, My name is Amy and I am the office administrator here at Tua Marina School. I am in my second year of this role, and loving every day. Tua Marina School is special - everyone knows everyone, and it has a beautiful community feel!